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A member registered Feb 02, 2021

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No problem

Is it me or my game is like 1 second back on the singing
because when they sing a up arrow it shows them pressing the note 1 second after they already sang it
Also ive deleted download mutiple times its still the same lol

OofusGoofusBoofus I was talking to Merhabi lol

Why does it sound like you are trying to say that you are racist
BTW like everyone is saying those tweets were like a long time ago,AND LIKE THAT WAS THE PAST
You are acting like you haven't done anything to hurt someone in your life so why are you judging
He realized his mistake and tried to correct it and quote on quote  " hey i just wanna keep it real, I really am truly sorry for the dumb shitty awful shit I said in tweets ages ago, and I'm sorry that I disappointed you all and whoever else looked up to not only Friday Night Funkin' but I'm sorry to whoever looked up to me personally" that is him realizing his mistake and he wishes to move on 
So tell me now
Who is the prick?